Parent & Family Services

Parent & Family Services

FDLRS Parent & Family Services Specialists provide information, training, and support to districts and families to promote effective parent participation in the education of children with disabilities or exceptionalities.

FDLRS Parent & Family Services assists in the development of family-friendly programs, training, and support for services for children with disabilities, and the support of partnerships between schools and parents to support student achievement.

For more information on FDLRS Parent & Family Services in your area, contact Diane Cummings,

Special Ed Connection

Do you have a child with a disability of school age in Florida?  Learn where to find resources to help your child benefit from special education services at the Special Ed Connection®.

The Florida Department of Education is proud to provide access to the Special Ed Connection® at no cost to families of students with disabilities. To find out how you can gain access to this valuable resource contact Diane Cummings.

Click here to enroll in Special Ed Connection